JWG (jwg) wrote,

Visiting Versailles - Sept 18, 2013

Versailles was the Royal Palace from 1682 to 1789. On our second day in Paris we took the train to Versailles. There was a pretty good sized line to buy tickets outside but it moved fast. We spent many hours there wandering through the main Palace, the gardens, and parts of the Grand and Petit Trianons and Marie Antoinettes' Palace. This is one of the most sought after sights for visitors to France.

It is a spectacular place full of ornate everything. I really liked the many sculptures. IN one section of the gardens there were some modern structures of trees. In parts of the garden there was recorded music playing. In spite of the large number of visitors there was no difficulty in seeing what we wanted, partly because it is so huge the people are spread out. I went there many years ago when there weren't huge crowds.

Versailles had a very important role in French history. The court of Versailles was the center of political power in France for over 100 years when Louis XIV moved from Paris in 1682, until the royal family was forced to return to the capital in October 1789 after the beginning of the French Revolution. It is currently used for certain state functions.

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Tags: france, paris2013, travel

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