JWG (jwg) wrote,

Books I read and enjoyed in my youth

I was thinking about some of the books I read many years ago that I really liked. And I've reread some at various times and will do some more.

- Alice in Wonderland (I have the copy I read)
- all the Oz books
- The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
-Robert Heinlein's young adult SciFi
-Farmer in the Sky was my favorite - colonizing Ganymede
-Upton Sinclair's Lanny Budd Series - 10 volumes - I'm rereading them again
Lanny is a well-placed rich kid/man who is an advisor to various dignitaries including presidents through most of the first half of the 20th century.
-Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome - I reread it a few times
I first read it at summer camp - Camp Killooleet in Vermont. When I visited there a few years ago I looked in the library and it was still there. There are a few other books in that series that I read. Young kids with sailboats on a lake in England
-The Book of Knowledge - an 18 volume set
In 1948/49 my parents sublet an apartment for a year and my room had this. I decided to read it from cover to cover in that year and I did.
- Books by Howard Pease - traveling around the world on a Tramp Steamer. about 22 of them.

Probably missed a few others. Didn't much like Bobby Twins or Hardy Boys.
Tags: nostalgia, personal, reading

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