JWG (jwg) wrote,

Our trip to Colombia and Ecuador

We returned on saturday from a 2-week to trip to Colombia and Ecuador. This is the first of a series of posts - that I will adorn with a few of the more than 3,000 pictures I took. (Oh for the good old days when you had to haul around 35mm cartridges and thus were careful about what pictures you took.)

We started with flights from Boston to Cartagena that had a 7 hour stopover in Panama City so we took a Panama Canal tour which was very interesting.

We stayed in the historic section of the walled city of Cartegena - it was fun to walk around and look at the people and the buildings - we went to various museums. It was hot and humid.

Next was Bogotá. Also in the historic section - not nearly as charming but many good museums. And 8,661 feet of altitude was quite noticible.

Then to Quito. What a great city to walk around in - every time you reach another corner there is an interesting street and colorful houses on the mountainside to see.

Then we took Tren Crucero - a 4-day train cruise from Quito to Guayaquil, - gorgeous scenery of all types, visits to special places like a rose farm/factory. And over 11,000 feet, There were about 25 people on this train pulled sometimes by diesel engine and sometimes a steam engine. The guides were good - spanish and english.

And one day in Guayaquil. There are a couple of old - but resored villages with colorful buildings on a hill rignt near our waterfront hotel that we explored.
Tags: southamerica2017, travel

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