JWG (jwg) wrote,

Bogata First Look

Bogota is a big city, not as charming as Cartagena, but with lots of interesting things to see - especially museums which didn't charge for entry. Its population is about 8 million people. Its altitude is 8,661 feet so we noticed the effects while walking around. They have a huge network of busses with bus lanes and bus priority. Traffic didn't seem too bad.

The current exchange rate is about 3,000 pesos to a dollar. This makes prices seem very high. In 1931 Colombia changed to peg the peso to the dollar and the rate was 1.05 peso to the dollar. Quite a change - not all inflation but renaming. A few years they considered redemoninating such that 1,000 pesos would be 1 dollar. Bills these day say have the three 0;s replaced by mil.

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Tags: southamerica2017, travel

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